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Me and Dozer, 2002.

My best run ever was in Hawaii, across the Kilauea Iki volcano.  Volcano National park was close due to the government budget crisis back in January 1996.  Read the story here.

Several years ago, I took a couple of watercolor painting courses.  Here are some sample paintings.

Bruce Springsteen, backstage at the Lowell Memorial Auditorium in 1996. For a list of Springsteen shows that I have attended, click here.

False Albacore caught during Martha's Vineyard Striped Bass and Bluefish Derby, Sept. 2007

Attempting to hotdog it on Lake Winnipesaukee, August 2006.  Photo by Jack Deignan.

Memorial Day Bluefish, May 2006.  Photo by Susan Spence.

Having a Belikin beer in Monkey River Town, Belize, Central America.  April 2005.

Here is a picture of me at the Square Rigger (Outrigger to Carlos) in Edgartown, celebrating my 40th birthday party:

Peter Fyler, Me, Mom, Carlos, Irene Fyler, Ann Marie, April 2004.

Me, in a bobcat, November 2004, leveling ground for the Spence's skating Rink.


Here is a picture of me heading toward the finish line in the 1998 Boston Marathon.

Me and U.S. Congressman Marty Meehan, October, 2002:

Me and U.S. Senator Ted Kennedy, October, 2002:

Copyright ©2004 by John Piekos-All Rights Reserved.